Python Sound Library Mac

Python Sound Library Mac 4,2/5 3294 votes

Apple ships an old, modified version of Python with Mac OS X. Many users install upstream Python from onto a Mac in order to work around old bugs. When attempting to use playsound on Mac OS X 10.9.5 with Python 2.7. Audio in Python. This page tries to provide a starting point for those who want to work with audio in combination with Python. If you are creating a game, most of what you are looking for may already be included in the many PythonGameLibraries that are available.

  • Mar 26, 2020  MoviePy (full documentation) is a Python library for video editing: cutting, concatenations, title insertions, video compositing (a.k.a. Non-linear editing), video processing, and creation of custom effects.See the gallery for some examples of use. MoviePy can read and write all the most common audio and video formats, including GIF, and runs on Windows/Mac/Linux, with Python 2.7+ and 3 (or.
  • Python Sound packages « All Tags Selected Tags Click on a tag to remove it. Mac OS X, Android and iOS. 9.4 9.4 L3 Python A music library manager and MusicBrainz tagger. Aeneas is a Python/C library and a set of tools to automagically synchronize audio.

While The Python Language Reference describes the exact syntax andsemantics of the Python language, this library reference manualdescribes the standard library that is distributed with Python. It alsodescribes some of the optional components that are commonly includedin Python distributions.

Python’s standard library is very extensive, offering a wide range offacilities as indicated by the long table of contents listed below. Thelibrary contains built-in modules (written in C) that provide access tosystem functionality such as file I/O that would otherwise beinaccessible to Python programmers, as well as modules written in Pythonthat provide standardized solutions for many problems that occur ineveryday programming. Some of these modules are explicitly designed toencourage and enhance the portability of Python programs by abstractingaway platform-specifics into platform-neutral APIs.

The Python installers for the Windows platform usually includethe entire standard library and often also include many additionalcomponents. For Unix-like operating systems Python is normally providedas a collection of packages, so it may be necessary to use the packagingtools provided with the operating system to obtain some or all of theoptional components.

In addition to the standard library, there is a growing collection ofseveral thousand components (from individual programs and modules topackages and entire application development frameworks), available fromthe Python Package Index.

  • 4. Built-in Constants
  • 5. Built-in Types
  • 6. Built-in Exceptions
  • 7. String Services
  • 8. Data Types
  • 9. Numeric and Mathematical Modules
  • 10. File and Directory Access
  • 11. Data Persistence
  • 12. Data Compression and Archiving
  • 13. File Formats
  • 14. Cryptographic Services
  • 15. Generic Operating System Services
  • 16. Optional Operating System Services
  • 17. Interprocess Communication and Networking
  • 18. Internet Data Handling
  • 19. Structured Markup Processing Tools
  • 20. Internet Protocols and Support
  • 21. Multimedia Services
  • 22. Internationalization
  • 23. Program Frameworks
  • 24. Graphical User Interfaces with Tk
  • 25. Development Tools
  • 26. Debugging and Profiling
  • 27. Software Packaging and Distribution
  • 28. Python Runtime Services
  • 29. Custom Python Interpreters
  • 30. Restricted Execution
  • 31. Importing Modules
  • 32. Python Language Services
  • 33. Python compiler package
  • 34. Miscellaneous Services
  • 35. MS Windows Specific Services
  • 36. Unix Specific Services
  • 37. Mac OS X specific services
  • 38. MacPython OSA Modules
  • 39. SGI IRIX Specific Services
  • 40. SunOS Specific Services
  • 41. Undocumented Modules

Here’s a quick listing of modules that are currently undocumented, but thatshould be documented. Feel free to contribute documentation for them! (Sendvia email to

The idea and original contents for this chapter were taken from a posting byFredrik Lundh; the specific contents of this chapter have been substantiallyrevised.

41.1. Miscellaneous useful utilities¶

Some of these are very old and/or not very robust; marked with “hmm.”


— Import hook support (for rexec; may become obsolete). Removed inPython 3.x.

41.2. Platform specific modules¶

These modules are used to implement the os.path module, and are notdocumented beyond this mention. There’s little need to document these.


— Implementation of os.path on Win32, Win64, WinCE, and OS/2 platforms.


— Implementation of os.path on POSIX.


— Backwards compatibility module for systems which still use the Berkeley DB1.85 module. It is normally only available on certain BSD Unix-based systems.It should never be used directly.

41.3. Multimedia¶


— Platform-independent API for playing audio data. Removed in Python 3.x.

How to remove itunes library from mac. Tap the three dots icon next to the song, and you will see a drop-down menu.3. For example, you can delete the whole songs on iPhone at one time or selectively remove specific items, or, add songs to playlists, and so on.Download and install EaseUS MobiMover Free on your computer by clicking the download button below. Tap Delete from Library and Delete Song, which will delete the music from your iPhone and your iTunes library.How to delete songs from iTunes on iPhone with MobiMoveris a free iPhone data transfer and management tool that enables you to back up iPhone to PC/Mac without iTunes, sync data between two iOS devices without iCloud, transfer files from PC to iPhone without data overwriting and control all the iOS files in the easiest way for free.


— Play audio data on the Linux audio device. Replaced in Python 2.3 by theossaudiodev module. Removed in Python 3.x.

Python Sound Library Mac

— Interpret Sun audio headers (may become obsolete or a tool/demo).Removed in Python 3.x.


— Convert “arbitrary” sound files to AIFF files; should probably become a toolor demo. Requires the external program sox. Removed in Python 3.x.

41.4. Undocumented Mac OS modules¶

41.4.1. applesingle — AppleSingle decoder¶

41.4.2. buildtools — Helper module for BuildApplet and Friends¶

41.4.3. cfmfile — Code Fragment Resource module¶

cfmfile is a module that understands Code Fragments and the accompanying“cfrg” resources. It can parse them and merge them, and is used byBuildApplication to combine all plugin modules to a single executable.

41.4.4. icopen — Internet Config replacement for open()

Importing icopen will replace the built-in open() with a versionthat uses Internet Config to set file type and creator for new files.

41.4.5. macerrors — Mac OS Errors¶

macerrors contains constant definitions for many Mac OS error codes.

41.4.6. macresource — Locate script resources¶

macresource helps scripts finding their resources, such as dialogs andmenus, without requiring special case code for when the script is run underMacPython, as a MacPython applet or under OSX Python.

41.4.7. Nav — NavServices calls¶

A low-level interface to Navigation Services.

41.4.8. PixMapWrapper — Wrapper for PixMap objects¶

PixMapWrapper wraps a PixMap object with a Python object that allowsaccess to the fields by name. It also has methods to convert to and fromPIL images.

Photo library mac to flash drive. Photos, by connecting to iCloud, means you can have one synced photos library across all your devices, such as here on our iPad.As we mentioned, by default Photos saves its library in your Pictures folder, which is in your user folder like we did.If you want to know exactly where your library is, you can open Photos and then “Preferences” (“Command +,”), and the “General” tab will show you the location, which you can then open in Finder. We’ll next show you how to create a completely new System Photo Library. On our system, we see our Photo Library is in our Dropbox, but yours will almost likely show up in your user folder.We click the the “Show in Finder” button and here’s where our “Photos Library” is located. We want to move it back to our user folder so Dropbox stops constantly updating.To move our Photos Library, we drag it to its new location, double-click it, and the Photos app will now point to it.So, that was pretty easy. Creating a New System Photo LibraryThere are any number of reasons you might want to create a new system library in Photos.

41.4.9. videoreader — Read QuickTime movies¶

videoreader reads and decodes QuickTime movies and passes a stream ofimages to your program. It also provides some support for audio tracks.

41.4.10. W — Widgets built on FrameWork

The W widgets are used extensively in the IDE.

41.5. Obsolete¶

These modules are not normally available for import; additional work must bedone to make them available.

These extension modules written in C are not built by default. Under Unix, thesemust be enabled by uncommenting the appropriate lines in Modules/Setupin the build tree and either rebuilding Python if the modules are staticallylinked, or building and installing the shared object if using dynamically-loadedextensions.


— Measure time intervals to high resolution (use time.clock()instead). Removed in Python 3.x.

41.6. SGI-specific Extension modules¶

The following are SGI specific, and may be out of touch with the current versionof reality.


— Interface to the SGI compression library.

Sound Effects Library


Python Sound Library Macbook Pro

— Interface to the “simple video” board on SGI Indigo (obsolete hardware).Removed in Python 3.x.