Mac List Symbols In Static Library

Mac List Symbols In Static Library 3,5/5 7153 votes

Dec 01, 2016  The iOS app links to a static library (a FAT lib, i.e all architectures) which seems to be written in C. So the external library has a libSomething.a and a libSomething.h file. The source code of the original iOS app has file which references the 'libSomething.h' and calls the various methods and functions within the static library. Contribute to microsoft/WinObjC development by creating an account on GitHub. Creating and Linking Against C Static Libraries. Jump to bottom. Follow the instructions below to have your Objective-C application project link against a C static library. Creating C Static Libraries. In Visual Studio. I'm coding an static library and there is a one class. But I don't understand why all the member variables and methods (all variables are private) are visible in generated lib file. Even the paths and project command line can be found there. As-well there is a lot other 'unneeded' information. I moved this line to the end file and now I can compile and link with my Fortran static library with no errors! This solved my problem!. but I also wanted you to list the symbols from the libgfortran in your path and grep against one of the missing symbols, say gfortrandateandtime. In the library.a folder I typed. Mar 21, 2014  When the linker adds functions to an image, it makes note of the sticker and adds it to the list of functions that it needs to export. But if the linker never sees the function, then it never sees the sticker. In order to export a function from a static library, you need to.

  1. Mac List Symbols In Static Library In History
  2. Mac List Symbols In Static Library In India
  3. Mac Keyboard Symbols List
  4. Mac List Symbols In Static Library In Java
  5. Symbols On A Mac
  6. Mac List Symbols In Static Library In Windows 10

by Angel Leon. March 17, 2015; August 29, 2019.

Include Paths

Sep 18, 2013 The tables in this chapter list commonly used GDB commands and present equivalent LLDB commands and alternative forms. Also listed are the built-in GDB compatibility aliases in LLDB. Notice that full LLDB command names can be matched by unique short forms, which can be used instead.

On the compilation phase, you will usually need to specify the different include paths so that the interfaces (.h, .hpp) which define structs, classes, constans, and functions can be found.

With gcc and llvm include paths are passed with -I/path/to/includes, you can pass as many -I as you need.

In Windows, cl.exe takes include paths with the following syntax:/I'c:pathtoincludes you can also pass as many as you need.

Some software uses macro definition variables that should be passed during compile time to decide what code to include.

Compilation flags


These compilation time flags are by convention usually put into a single variable named CXXFLAGS, which is then passed to the compiler as a parameter for convenience when you're building your compilation/make script.

Object files

When you compile your .c, or .cpp files, you will end up with object files.These files usually have .o extensions in Linux, in Windows they might be under .obj extensions.

You can create an .o file for a single or for many source files.

Static Library files

When you have several .o files, you can put them together as a library, a static library. In Linux/Mac these static libraries are simply archive files, or .a files. In windows, static library files exist under the .lib extension.

They are created like this in Linux/Mac:

ar -cvq libctest.a ctest1.o ctest2.o ctest3.o

libctest.a will contain ctest1.o,ctest2.o and ctest2.o

They are created like this in Windows:


When you are creating an executable that needs to make use of a library, if you use these static libraries, the size of your executable will be the sum of all the object files statically linked by the executable. The code is right there along the executable, it's easier to distribute, but again, the size of the executable can be bigger than it needs to.. why? because, sometimes, many of the .o files, or even the entire .a file you're linking against might be a standard library that many other programs need.

Shared Libraries (Dynamic Libraries)

So shared or dynamic libraries were invented so that different programs or libraries would make external (shared) references to them, since they're 'shared' the symbols defined in them don't need to be part of your executable or library, your executable contain symbols whose entry points or offset addresses might point to somewhere within themselves, but they will also have symbols whose entry points are expected to exist on shared libraries which need only be loaded once in a single portion of the operating shared memory, thus not just making the size of your executable as small as it needs to be, but you won't need to load the library for every process/program that needs its symbols.

On Linux shared files exist under the .so (shared object) file extension, on Mac .dylib (dynamic library), and in Windows they're called .dll (dynamic link libraries)

Another cool thing about dynamic libraries, is that they can be loaded during runtime, not just linked at compile time. An example of runtime dynamic libraries are browser plugins.

In Linux .so files are created like this:

  • -Wall enables all warnings.
  • -c means compile only, don't run the linker.
  • -fPIC means 'Position Independent Code', a requirement for shared libraries in Linux.
  • -shared makes the object file created shareable by different executables.
  • -Wl passes a comma separated list of arguments to the linker.
  • -soname means 'shared object name' to use.
  • -o <> means output, in this case the output shared library

In Mac .dylib files are created like this:

clang -dynamiclib -o libtest.dylib file1.o file2.o -L/some/library/path -lname_of_library_without_lib_prefix

In Windows .dll files are created like this:


Linking to existing libraries

When linking your software you may be faced with a situation on which you want to link against several standard shared libraries.If all the libraries you need exist in a single folder, you can set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to that folder. By common standard all shared libraries are prefixed with the word lib. If a library exists in LD_LIBRARY_PATH and you want to link against it, you don't need to pass the entire path to the library, you simply pass -lname and you will link your executable to the symbols of which should be somewhere inside LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Tip: You should probably stay away from altering your LD_LIBRARY_PATH, if you do, make sure you keep its original value, and when you're done restore it, as you might screw the build processes of other software in the system which might depend on what's on the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

What if libraries are in different folders?

If you have some other library on another folder outside LD_LIBRARY_PATH you can explictly pass the full path to that library /path/to/that/other/library/, or you can specify the folder that contains it -L/path/to/that/other/library and then the short hand form -lbar. This latter option makes more sense if the second folder contains several other libraries.

Useful tools

Sometimes you may be dealing with issues like undefined symbol errors, and you may want to inspect what symbols (functions) are defined in your library.

Mac List Symbols In Static Library In History

On Mac there's otool, on Linux/Mac there's nm, on Windows there's depends.exe (a GUI tool that can be used to see both dependencies and the symbol's tables. Taking a look at the 'Entry Point' column will help you understand clearly the difference between symbols linking to a shared library vs symbols linking statically to the same library)

Useful command options

See shared library dependencies on Mac with otool

See shared symbols with nm (Linux/Mac)With nm, you can see the symbol's name list.Familiarize yourself with the meaning of the symbol types:

  • T (text section symbol)
  • U (undefined - useful for those undefined symbol error),
  • I (indirect symbol).

If the symbol is local (non-external) the symbol type is presented in lowercase letters, for example a lowercase u represents an undefined reference to a private external in another module in the same library.

nm's documentation says that if you're working on Mac and you see that the symbol is preceeded by + or - it means it's an ObjectiveC method, if you're familiar with ObjectiveC you will know that + is for class methods and - is for instance methods, but in practice it seems to be a bit more explicit and you will often see objc or OBJC prefixed to those methods.

nm is best used along with grep ;)

Find all Undefined symbols

My C++ code compiles but it won't link

Linking is simply 'linking' a bunch of .o files to make an executable.

Each one of these .o's may be compiled on their own out of their .cpp files, but when one references symbols that are supposed to exist in other .o's and they're not to be found then you get linking errors.

Perhaps through forward declarations you managed your compilation phase to pass, but then you get a bunch of symbol not found errors.Make sure to read them slowly, see where these symbols are being referenced, you will see that these issues occur due to namespace visibility in most cases.

Perhaps you copied the signature of a method that exists in a private space elsewhere into some other namespace where your code wasn't compiling, all you did was make it compilable, but the actual symbol might not be visible outside the scope where it's truly defined and implemented.

Function symbols can be private if they're declared inside anonymous namespaces, or if they're declared as static functions.

An example:

Here, when I read the code of Network::TxMessage::handle(..) there was a call to FlushStateToDisk, which was declared in main.h, and coded in main.cpp. My TxMessage.cpp did include main.h, compilation was fine, I had a TxMessage.o file and a main.o, but the linker was complaining.

The issue was that FlushStateToDisk was declared as a static, therefore only visible inside main.o, once I removed the static from the declaration and implementation the error went away and my executable was linked. Similar things happen when functions are declared in anonymous spaces in other files, even if you forward declare them on your local .h

In other cases your code compiles and you get this error linking because your library can't be added using -lfoo, and adding its containing folder to -L doesn't cut it, in this case you just add the full path to the library in your compilation command: gcc /path/to/the/missing/library.o .. my_source.cpp -o my_executable


DO NOT EXPORT CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS and the like on your .bash_profile/.bashrc, it can lead to unintended building consequences in many projects. I've wasted so many hours due to this mistake.

The tables in this chapter list commonly used GDB commands and present equivalent LLDB commands and alternative forms. Also listed are the built-in GDB compatibility aliases in LLDB.

Notice that full LLDB command names can be matched by unique short forms, which can be used instead. For example, instead of breakpoint set, br se can be used.

Execution Commands



Launch a process with no arguments.

(gdb) run

(gdb) r

(lldb) process launch

(lldb) run

(lldb) r

Launch a process with arguments <args>.

(gdb) run <args>

(gdb) r <args>

(lldb) process launch -- <args>

(lldb) r <args>

Launch process a.out with arguments 1 2 3 without having to supply the args every time.

% gdb --args a.out 1 2 3

(gdb) run


(gdb) run


(% lldb -- a.out 1 2 3

(lldb) run


(lldb) run


Launch a process with arguments in a new terminal window (OS X only).

(lldb) process launch --tty -- <args>

(lldb) pro la -t -- <args>

Launch a process with arguments in an existing Terminal window, /dev/ttys006 (OS X only).

(lldb) process launch --tty=/dev/ttys006 -- <args>

(lldb) pro la -t/dev/ttys006 -- <args>

Set environment variables for process before launching.

(gdb) set env DEBUG 1

(lldb) settings set target.env-vars DEBUG=1

(lldb) set se target.env-vars DEBUG=1

Set environment variables for process and launch process in one command.

(lldb) process launch -v DEBUG=1

Attach to the process with process ID 123.

(gdb) attach 123

(lldb) process attach --pid 123

(lldb) attach -p 123

Attach to a process named a.out.

(gdb) attach a.out

(lldb) process attach --name a.out

(lldb) pro at -n a.out

Wait for a process named a.out to launch and attach.

(gdb) attach -waitfor a.out

(lldb) process attach --name a.out --waitfor

(lldb) pro at -n a.out -w

Attach to a remote GDB protocol server running on the system eorgadd, port 8000.

(gdb) target remote eorgadd:8000

(lldb) gdb-remote eorgadd:8000

Attach to a remote GDB protocol server running on the local system, port 8000.

(gdb) target remote localhost:8000

(lldb) gdb-remote 8000

Attach to a Darwin kernel in kdp mode on the system eorgadd.

(gdb) kdp-reattach eorgadd

(lldb) kdp-remote eorgadd

Do a source-level single step in the currently selected thread.

(gdb) step

(gdb) s

(lldb) thread step-in

(lldb) step

(lldb) s

Do a source-level single step over in the currently selected thread.

(gdb) next

(gdb) n

(lldb) thread step-over

(lldb) next

(lldb) n

Do an instruction-level single step in the currently selected thread.

(gdb) stepi

(gdb) si

(lldb) thread step-inst

(lldb) si

Do an instruction-level single step over in the currently selected thread.

(gdb) nexti

(gdb) ni

(lldb) thread step-inst-over

(lldb) ni

Step out of the currently selected frame.

(gdb) finish

(lldb) thread step-out

(lldb) finish

Backtrace and disassemble every time you stop.

(lldb) target stop-hook add

Enter your stop hook command(s). Type 'DONE' to end.

> bt

> disassemble --pc


Stop hook #1 added.

Breakpoint Commands



Set a breakpoint at all functions named main.

(gdb) break main

(lldb) breakpoint set --name main

(lldb) br s -n main

(lldb) b main

Set a breakpoint in file test.c at line 12.

(gdb) break test.c:12

(lldb) breakpoint set --file test.c --line 12

(lldb) br s -f test.c -l 12

(lldb) b test.c:12

Set a breakpoint at all C++ methods whose basename is main.

(gdb) break main

(Note: This will break on any C functions named main.)

(lldb) breakpoint set --method main

(lldb) br s -M main

Set a breakpoint at an Objective-C function: -[NSString stringWithFormat:].

(gdb) break -[NSString stringWithFormat:]

(lldb) breakpoint set --name '-[NSString stringWithFormat:]'

(lldb) b -[NSString stringWithFormat:]

Set a breakpoint at all Objective-C methods whose selector is count.

(gdb) break count

(Note: This will break on any C or C++ functions named count.)

(lldb) breakpoint set --selector count

(lldb) br s -S count

Set a breakpoint by a regular expression on a function name.

(gdb) rbreak regular-expression

(lldb) breakpoint set --regex regular-expression

(lldb) br s -r regular-expression

Set a breakpoint by a regular expression on a source file’s contents.

(gdb) shell grep -e -n pattern source-file

(gdb) break source-file:CopyLineNumbers

(lldb) breakpoint set --source-pattern regular-expression --file SourceFile

(lldb) br s -p regular-expression -f file

List all breakpoints.

(gdb) info break

(lldb) breakpoint list

(lldb) br l

Delete a breakpoint.

(gdb) delete 1

(lldb) breakpoint delete 1

(lldb) br del 1

Watchpoint Commands



Set a watchpoint on a variable when it is written to.

(gdb) watch global_var

(lldb) watchpoint set variable global_var

(lldb) wa s v global_var

Set a watchpoint on a memory location when it is written to.

(gdb) watch -location g_char_ptr

(lldb) watchpoint set expression -- my_ptr

(lldb) wa s e -- my_ptr

Note: The size of the region to watch for defaults to the pointer size if no -x byte_size is specified. This command takes “raw” input, evaluated as an expression returning an unsigned integer pointing to the start of the region, after the option terminator (--).

Set a condition on a watchpoint.

(lldb) watch set var global

(lldb) watchpoint modify -c '(global5)'

(lldb) c


(lldb) bt

* thread #1: tid = 0x1c03, 0x0000000100000ef5 a.out`modify + 21 at main.cpp:16, stop reason = watchpoint 1

frame #0: 0x0000000100000ef5 a.out`modify + 21 at main.cpp:16

frame #1: 0x0000000100000eac a.out`main + 108 at main.cpp:25

frame #2: 0x00007fff8ac9c7e1 libdyld.dylib`start + 1

(int32_t) global = 5

List all watchpoints.

(gdb) info break

(lldb) watchpoint list

(lldb) watch l

Delete a watchpoint.

(gdb) delete 1

(lldb) watchpoint delete 1

(lldb) watch del 1

Examining Variables



Show the arguments and local variables for the current frame.

(gdb) info args


(gdb) info locals

(lldb) frame variable

(lldb) fr v

Show the local variables for the current frame.

(gdb) info locals

(lldb) frame variable --no-args

(lldb) fr v -a

Show the contents of the local variable bar.

(gdb) p bar

(lldb) frame variable bar

(lldb) fr v bar

(lldb) p bar

Show the contents of the local variable bar formatted as hex.

(gdb) p/x bar

(lldb) frame variable --format x bar

(lldb) fr v -f x bar

Show the contents of the global variable baz.

(gdb) p baz

(lldb) target variable baz

(lldb) ta v baz

Show the global/static variables defined in the current source file.

(lldb) target variable

(lldb) ta v

Display the variables argc and argv every time you stop.

(gdb) display argc

(gdb) display argv

(lldb) target stop-hook add --one-liner 'frame variable argc argv'

(lldb) ta st a -o 'fr v argc argv'

(lldb) display argc

(lldb) display argv

Display the variables argc and argv only when you stop in the function named main.

(lldb) target stop-hook add --name main --one-liner 'frame variable argc argv'

(lldb) ta st a -n main -o 'fr v argc argv'

Display the variable *this only when you stop in the C class named MyClass.

(lldb) target stop-hook add --classname MyClass --one-liner 'frame variable *this'

(lldb) ta st a -c MyClass -o 'fr v *this'

Mac List Symbols In Static Library In India

Evaluating Expressions



Evaluate a generalized expression in the current frame.

(gdb) print (int) printf ('Print nine: %d.', 4 + 5)

Or if you don’t want to see void returns:

(gdb) call (int) printf ('Print nine: %d.', 4 + 5)

(lldb) expr (int) printf ('Print nine: %d.', 4 + 5)

Or use the print alias:

(lldb) print (int) printf ('Print nine: %d.', 4 + 5)

Create and assign a value to a convenience variable.

(gdb) set $foo = 5

(gdb) set variable $foo = 5

Or use the print command:

(gdb) print $foo = 5

Or use the call command:

(gdb) call $foo = 5

To specify the type of the variable:

(gdb) set $foo = (unsigned int) 5

LLDB evaluates a variable declaration expression as you would write it in C:

(lldb) expr unsigned int $foo = 5

Print the Objective-C description of an object.

(gdb) po [SomeClass returnAnObject]

(lldb) expr -O -- [SomeClass returnAnObject]

Or use the po alias:

(lldb) po [SomeClass returnAnObject]

Print the dynamic type of the result of an expression.

(gdb) set print object 1

(gdb) p someCPPObjectPtrOrReference

Note: Only for C++ objects.

(lldb) expr -d run-target -- [SomeClass returnAnObject]

(lldb) expr -d run-target -- someCPPObjectPtrOrReference

Or set dynamic type printing as default:

(lldb) settings set target.prefer-dynamic run-target

Call a function to stop at a breakpoint in the function.

(gdb) set unwindonsignal 0

(gdb) p function_with_a_breakpoint()

(lldb) expr -u 0 -- function_with_a_breakpoint()

Mac Keyboard Symbols List

Examining Thread State

Mac List Symbols In Static Library In Java



Show the stack backtrace for the current thread.

(gdb) bt

(lldb) thread backtrace

(lldb) bt

Show the stack backtraces for all threads.

(gdb) thread apply all bt

(lldb) thread backtrace all

(lldb) bt all

Backtrace the first five frames of the current thread.

(gdb) bt 5

(lldb) thread backtrace -c 5

(lldb) bt 5 (lldb-169 and later)

(lldb) bt -c 5 (lldb-168 and earlier)

Select a different stack frame by index for the current thread.

(gdb) frame 12

(lldb) frame select 12

(lldb) fr s 12

(lldb) f 12

List information about the currently selected frame in the current thread.

(lldb) frame info

Select the stack frame that called the current stack frame.

(gdb) up

(lldb) up

(lldb) frame select --relative=1

Select the stack frame that is called by the current stack frame.

(gdb) down

(lldb) down

(lldb) frame select --relative=-1

(lldb) fr s -r-1

Select a different stack frame using a relative offset.

(gdb) up 2

(gdb) down 3

(lldb) frame select --relative 2

(lldb) fr s -r2

(lldb) frame select --relative -3

(lldb) fr s -r-3

Show the general-purpose registers for the current thread.

(gdb) info registers

(lldb) register read

Write a new decimal value 123 to the current thread register rax.

(gdb) p $rax = 123

(lldb) register write rax 123

Skip 8 bytes ahead of the current program counter (instruction pointer).

(gdb) jump *$pc+8

(lldb) register write pc `$pc+8`

The LLDB command uses backticks to evaluate an expression and insert the scalar result.

Show the general-purpose registers for the current thread formatted as signed decimal.

(lldb) register read --format i

(lldb) re r -f i

LLDB now supports the GDB shorthand format syntax, but no space is permitted after the command:

(lldb) register read/d

Note: LLDB tries to use the same format characters as printf(3) when possible. Type help format to see the full list of format specifiers.

Show all registers in all register sets for the current thread.

(gdb) info all-registers

(lldb) register read --all

(lldb) re r -a

Show the values for the registers named rax, rsp and rbp in the current thread.

(gdb) info all-registers rax rsp rbp

(lldb) register read rax rsp rbp

Show the values for the register named rax in the current thread formatted as binary.

(gdb) p/t $rax

(lldb) register read --format binary rax

(lldb) re r -f b rax

LLDB now supports the GDB shorthand format syntax, but no space is permitted after the command:

(lldb) register read/t rax

(lldb) p/t $rax

Read memory from address 0xbffff3c0 and show four hex uint32_t values.

(gdb) x/4xw 0xbffff3c0

(lldb) memory read --size 4 --format x --count 4 0xbffff3c0

(lldb) me r -s4 -fx -c4 0xbffff3c0

(lldb) x -s4 -fx -c4 0xbffff3c0

LLDB now supports the GDB shorthand format syntax, but no space is permitted after the command:

(lldb) memory read/4xw 0xbffff3c0

(lldb) x/4xw 0xbffff3c0

(lldb) memory read --gdb-format 4xw 0xbffff3c0

Read memory starting at the expression argv[0].

(gdb) x argv[0]

(lldb) memory read `argv[0]`

Note that any command can inline a scalar expression result (as long as the target is stopped) using backticks around any expression:

(lldb) memory read --size `sizeof(int)` `argv[0]`

Read 512 bytes of memory from address 0xbffff3c0 and save results to a local file as text.

(gdb) set logging on

(gdb) set logging file /tmp/mem.txt

(gdb) x/512bx 0xbffff3c0

(gdb) set logging off

(lldb) memory read --outfile /tmp/mem.txt --count 512 0xbffff3c0

(lldb) me r -o/tmp/mem.txt -c512 0xbffff3c0

(lldb) x/512bx -o/tmp/mem.txt 0xbffff3c0

Save binary memory data to a file starting at 0x1000 and ending at 0x2000.

(gdb) dump memory /tmp/mem.bin 0x1000 0x2000

(lldb) memory read --outfile /tmp/mem.bin --binary 0x1000 0x1200

(lldb) me r -o /tmp/mem.bin -b 0x1000 0x1200

Disassemble the current function for the current frame.

(gdb) disassemble

(lldb) disassemble --frame

(lldb) di -f

Disassemble any functions named main.

(gdb) disassemble main

(lldb) disassemble --name main

(lldb) di -n main

Disassemble an address range.

(gdb) disassemble 0x1eb8 0x1ec3

Ni maschine 2.6 library mac torrent

(lldb) disassemble --start-address 0x1eb8 --end-address 0x1ec3

(lldb) di -s 0x1eb8 -e 0x1ec3

Disassemble 20 instructions from a given address.

(gdb) x/20i 0x1eb8

(lldb) disassemble --start-address 0x1eb8 --count 20

(lldb) di -s 0x1eb8 -c 20

Show mixed source and disassembly for the current function for the current frame.

(lldb) disassemble --frame --mixed

(lldb) di -f -m

Disassemble the current function for the current frame and show the opcode bytes.

(lldb) disassemble --frame --bytes

(lldb) di -f -b

Disassemble the current source line for the current frame.

(lldb) disassemble --line

(lldb) di -l

Executable and Shared Library Query Commands



List the main executable and all dependent shared libraries.

(gdb) info shared

(lldb) image list

Look up information for a raw address in the executable or any shared libraries.

(gdb) info symbol 0x1ec4

(lldb) image lookup --address 0x1ec4

(lldb) im loo -a 0x1ec4

Look up functions matching a regular expression in a binary.

(gdb) info function <FUNC_REGEX>

This one finds debug symbols:

(lldb) image lookup -r -n <FUNC_REGEX>

This one finds non-debug symbols:

(lldb) image lookup -r -s <FUNC_REGEX>

Provide a list of binaries as arguments to limit the search.

Look up information for an address in a.out only.

(lldb) image lookup --address 0x1ec4 a.out

(lldb) im loo -a 0x1ec4 a.out

Look up information for a type Point by name.

(gdb) ptype Point

(lldb) image lookup --type Point

(lldb) im loo -t Point

Dump all sections from the main executable and any shared libraries.

(gdb) maintenance info sections

(lldb) image dump sections

Dump all sections in the a.out module.

(lldb) image dump sections a.out

Dump all symbols from the main executable and any shared libraries.

(lldb) image dump symtab

Dump all symbols in a.out and

(lldb) image dump symtab a.out


Symbols On A Mac



Echo text to the screen.

(gdb) echo Here is some textn

(lldb) script print 'Here is some text'

Remap source file pathnames for the debug session.

(gdb) set pathname-substitutions /buildbot/path /my/path

(lldb) settings set target.source-map /buildbot/path /my/path

Note: If your source files are no longer located in the same location as when the program was built—maybe the program was built on a different computer—you need to tell the debugger how to find the sources at the local file path instead of the build system file path.

Supply a catchall directory to search for source files in.

(gdb) directory /my/path

(No equivalent command yet.)

Mac List Symbols In Static Library In Windows 10

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